Have you ever wondered if it’s better to DIY lawn fertilization or get Massachusetts lawn care services? If you’re considering fertilizing your lawn, evaluate which option will serve you better. While doing it yourself can save you time and get you acquainted with your lawn’s needs, there are many benefits to hiring a lawn care specialist to take care of it for you. So, compare the two options and learn how to fertilize your lawn by reading below.

Why is lawn fertilization so important?

Fertilizing your lawn is critical for maintaining the growth and health of your lawn. Fertilizer applications put essential nutrients back into the soil that were depleted throughout the growing season. In addition, it encourages faster growth, stronger roots, and a hardier structure overall. However, fertilizing correctly is equally as essential as fertilization itself. One mistake can leave your grass with damage and weak blades, so it’s essential to have a knowledgeable person fertilize your lawn.

Can you fertilize your own lawn? Technically, yes.

However, be prepared to put a lot of effort into fertilization, as it’s a lengthy process. Getting stellar results will require time, money, and lots of research. To start your DIY fertilizing, you can get all the supplies and tools you need at home stores such as Lowe’s, Home Depot, or a local home and garden supply shop. Then, research, research, research! One of the best ways to learn proper lawn care is by learning how your grass will respond to different environmental changes.

How to fertilize your lawn.

Ready to finally dive into fertilizing your lawn? We recommend following these seven steps to ensure your lawn is prepared, fertilized, and hydrated according to modern lawn care practices.

1. Test your soil’s nutrient levels and pH. This test provides valuable information when choosing which fertilizer to add to your lawn and which to avoid. Plus, it’ll let you know if it needs additional supplements, such as lime, to balance its pH.

2. Determine your lawn’s size. An estimate of your yard’s size will help you determine how much fertilizer you need to buy. Assuming one pace is roughly a yard long, you can walk your lawn and get a general idea of its area. Fertilizer instructions are given in pounds per 1,000 square feet, so a close estimate of your yard size is essential.

3. Find a fertilizer without phosphorous unless your soil needs it. Massachusetts soils are naturally phosphorous-heavy and sometimes nitrogen-low. In Massachusetts, it’s actually the law that your lawn needs a soil test that proves it needs phosphorous before applying it!

4. Use a fertilizer spreader to disperse the pellets. When you load the fertilizer into the spreader, putting it on a low setting for light lawn coverage is best. This setting is most efficient at aiding grass while avoiding overfertilization. Then, begin by walking the perimeter, then back and forth to cover the rest of the lawn.

5. OR use a sprayer to disperse the liquid fertilizer. Applying liquid fertilizer is relatively simple. First, fill the compartment with liquid fertilizer or attach a pre-bought fertilizer canister. Then, slowly walk the lawn spraying in a sweeping motion from side to side.

6. Clean up. Once you apply the fertilizer, it’s time to clean up. This step is essential because some fertilizers can damage concrete. First, sweep the excess fertilizer off your walkways and driveways and place it back in the spreader. Then clean all the equipment with water and store it somewhere covered.

7. Lightly water the lawn. For the final step, wait 24 hours to let it settle and give your lawn light watering. This last stage will help the fertilizer dissolve and filter into the soil below.

However, it’s more beneficial to hire a lawn care professional.

While it might be tempting to fertilize your lawn to save money, the pros often outweigh the cons when hiring a lawn care expert. As you’ve seen, taking on the task yourself is a significant process that will be done more efficiently by a pro. Take a look at the three benefits of getting a lawn care team to lend a helping hand:

1. It saves you time. Remember, the application itself is one of the fastest steps in fertilizing your lawn! In addition, this process requires shopping for fertilizer with a solid understanding of its benefits. A lawn care team knows which fertilizers will deliver great results and handles this lengthy step for you. So when you hire lawn care professionals, you get to avoid the time-consuming steps of preparing your lawn.

2. You have access to professional insight. A lawn care expert is a fountain of knowledge if you ask them the right questions. They understand what your lawn needs and the best times to fertilize it. Plus, they’ll always be there for you to ask questions that arise regarding your lawn’s heath. Once they know your lawn, they’ll have a holistic view of its strengths and challenges.

3. You avoid common lawn problems. DIY lawn care can often lead to accidental slip-ups that’ll cost more to fix than you initially saved. Lawn care professionals know how to avoid common problems like overfertilization and runoff. In addition, they know the ins and outs regarding complex fertilizer compounds. For example, they know which fertilizer types fit best for each Massachusetts season and which should be avoided.

Get visible results with professional lawn care services.

Ultimately the choice is yours, but we’re always going to side with professional services. You might save some money in the lawn run doing it yourself, but you might need to pay more to fix improper lawn care. We believe the best option is to enjoy a lush lawn without the hard labor. Local lawn fertilizing services are quick and effective, so as you relax, we’ll be in and out in no time. However, if you decide to fertilize your own lawn, always be conscientious and take professional lawn care advice into consideration.

Choosing to ditch the DIY? Reap the benefits of fertilization with local lawn care.

Lawn care can be challenging. That’s why the Barefoot Lawns team is here to do the heavy lifting and provide you with visible results. If you’re ready to level up your Massachusetts lawn, call (508) 281-1441 or contact us here. For more tips and tricks from the pros, visit our blog.

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