If you’ve been skipping lawn fertilization, it’s time to start. New England lawns face many obstacles, including harsh weather, diseases, and pests. These are just some of the many reasons why fertilizing your lawn is essential to maintaining a durable and vibrant yard. However, one of the most influential factors in successful fertilization is timing. If you need help determining when to feed your lawn the nutrients it needs, here’s everything you need to know about when the best time is to fertilize your Massachusetts lawn.

Why is fertilizing your lawn important?

First, it replenishes your soil with three vital nutrients your grass needs to thrive: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium (NPK). Nitrogen is the #1 element that supports plant growth by aiding in chlorophyll production, an important chemical that helps plants absorb light to be turned into energy. On the other hand, phosphorous and potassium help build strong roots. While you might not see this root growth, it keeps your grass durable during harsh winters and assists in efficient nutrient uptake. Overall, fertilizing keeps your grass strong, which helps it ward off diseases and weeds year-round.

Fertilizing also keeps your lawn looking beautiful. The health of your lawn directly affects how aesthetically appealing it is! Rich, fertilized soil encourages fast, thicker grass growth for much longer in the growing season. Plus, good fall fertilization results in quicker green-up in the springtime. That means less time gazing at the dormant brown grass and more time frolicking with the family come spring.

Finally, a healthy and beautiful lawn increases your property value. Whether your house is on the market or not, it’s worthwhile to think about curb appeal, as gaining a thriving lawn can take several months or even years. According to the National Association of Realtors, 97% of realtors believe curb appeal is noteworthy to potential buyers. So fertilizing your lawn is an excellent start to ensuring your home’s value is at its peak.

When is the best time to fertilize your lawn?

The most popular times to fertilize your lawn are spring and fall. While you can also lightly fertilize in the summer with a slow-release fertilizer, the early and late growing seasons are critical. However, there are other factors besides the season to consider. Whenever you fertilize, the ground needs to be warm. Generally, we recommend fertilizing when the soil is over 55°F. This temperature guarantees no frost on the ground and that the soil isn’t frozen.

We also recommend fertilizing in the morning. Cooler mornings are preferred over hot mid-day temperatures, and morning dew can help with fertilizer absorption. And while some moisture helps the nutrients seep into the soil, it’s best to avoid fertilizing on rainy days. Instead, plan fertilization around incoming rain. Some rain several days before or after fertilization will also help with absorption without contributing to fertilizer runoff.

The benefits of fertilizing in the spring.

Spring is a great time to give your lawn a pick-me-up fertilizer application. There are three main benefits of fertilizing in the spring:

1. It gives your lawn an additional boost after dormancy. After surviving a season of snow, ice, and harsh winds, your lawn would appreciate a nutrient boost for the growing season. Spring fertilization wakes your lawn from its winter slumber and prepares it for growth by providing the necessary supplements.

2. It increases your lawn’s strength for the summer. As we mentioned earlier, a healthy lawn is a strong lawn. During the summer, your turf might run into potential threats like weeds or warm-season diseases like brown patch. Spring fertilization aids in hardy turf growth that withstands these fierce foes.

3. It keeps your lawn vibrant for the growing season. Early fertilization also helps your turf develop the bright, rich color that all lawn owners desire. Plus, NPK assists in growing lush and thick turf. The whole family can enjoy the backyard and lounge on soft, plush grass.

The benefits of fertilizing in the fall.

Fall is the most critical time to replenish your lawn’s nutrients. Here are three main benefits of fertilizing in the fall:

1. It provides your lawn with nutrients before a long, intense winter. By fertilizing your turf in the late fall when shoot growth has slowed, the nutrients go to root growth instead. By strengthening your grassroots, your grass will have better anchorage in the soil to withstand rugged conditions and will store the nutrients better for spring.

2. It results in an early spring green-up. The carbohydrates you provide your grass in the late fall are stored in the roots to be used later for spring growth. Since your turfgrass will be waking up from dormancy with a plentiful supply of supplements, it will thank you with quicker and thicker growth.

3. Your lawn will have a better appearance during the winter season. While we can’t keep lawns green year-round, late fertilization increases their longevity. Plus, a healthy lawn impacted by heavy snow and ice will bounce back better in the spring instead of staying compressed from the weight.

What happens if I fertilize in the summer?

While there are differing opinions, we’ve seen great results with light summer fertilizing. By nourishing your lawn with a slow-release fertilizer, you enable it to thrive throughout the season and maintain its deep green hue. However, if you decide to fertilize in a drought, it’s important to fertilize with care. In hot, dry weather, your soil might not get enough water from rainfall to effectively absorb the nutrients. That said, proper fertilization and watering through a drought summer helps the lawn bounce back as the weather patterns change. If you are in doubt, call the experts to take care of it!

Start this spring off right with customized lawn fertilizing.

While there are many factors to consider when fertilizing your turfgrass, timing is one of the most critical components to successfully growing a lush lawn. Fertilizer applications can be made all growing season long, but to ensure that your turf is getting the most of it, we recommend consulting a lawn care professional to plan the best time to fertilize your lawn.

Our local lawn care team at Barefoot Lawns will make your Massachusetts lawn flourish for spring with fruitful fertilizing services. If you’re ready to get visible results, call us at (508) 281-1441 or contact us here. For more tips and tricks from the pros, visit our blog.

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